Sometimes, the best advice is to “go outside”. What is your motivation for some fresh air and sunshine? We can spark creativity, reset after a stressful meeting, or gain new perspective just by taking a few minutes to enjoy the outdoors.
“Playing outside or playing in space where there aren’t rules is really what allows us to develop non-linear thinking.”
Dr. Mike Rucker, Organizational psychologist and behavioral scientist
We spend A LOT of time in the office. But some of our best thinking is done outside or immediately following some solid outdoor time.
If you’ve been in the same seat too long, or if you need to tap into some non-linear thinking, take this as your invitation to GET OUTSIDE.
As a leader, you are constantly performing in ways to meet other people’s expectations. But, this can also be a fast-track to burnout or feeling like you are losing yourself. To protect all the ways that make you unique, make sure to carve out time for yourself.
If you have ADHD, you may be more driven by your interests. Sometimes this serves us so well…other times it can lead to hyperfocus where we forget to eat or check the clock…so if you get in work sprints like this, pencil in some unstructured outdoor time 🌳
Check out our blog on Rainbow Walks for one idea of how to spend some time outside today.
Mullins Professional Group loves helping companies think outside the box when it comes to leadership development, and neuro-inclusive leadership. Reach out to let us know what is on your mind, and we can help you build something great!