How MPG Builds Inclusive Leaders

Mullins Professional Group meets clients' needs with a suite of offerings to develop individuals, advance teams, and grow businesses.

One-on-One Executive Coaching

Tackle current leadership challenges alongside a certified executive coach. Unlock your true potential through a series of one-on-one sessions, as you work toward actionable goals and eliminate barriers.

Coaching packages include the suite of Hogan Assessments - a psychometric tool to identify personality characteristics. The assessments are debriefed by a certified interpreter, and themes regarding core value drivers, and leadership traits can be woven in throughout the coaching engagement.

Leadership coaching is not reserved for those with "leader" in the job title. If you are committed to doing great work, and need some support as you navigate new projects, career transitions, or other changes, coaching may be a great fit!

CLICK icon above to schedule a Complimentary Consultation for Executive Coaching

Team Building Workshops & More

MPG collaborates with clients to create impactful team building events, from webinars to workshops.
Some topics require highly customized solutions, and others are best met with tried-and-true, ready-to-deliver content. As an Authorized Partner of Blanchard, we can facilitate a whole library of off-the-shelf offerings. Click the Team Building icon above for more info!

We also use the same Hogan Assessments leveraged in individual coaching with teams up to thirty employees. Through individual debriefs, and a team workshop, team members understand the value they bring to the team, while seeing how the best fit in with others.

Other team-based content can be focused on building trust, focusing on customers, and how to lead in various situations.

Neurodiversity & ADHD Offerings

Our neurodiversity offerings range from singleton lunch-and-learns or workshops to programs spanning a few weeks. Topics like neurodivergent insights, executive function, and preferred work styles are just a few our clients have requested us to deliver.

Our homegrown ADHD program, Lead with ADHD, is also a great option for a range of audiences. Whether you've had a diagnosis for decades, only recently learned about ADHD, our program focused on leaders with ADHD is built on the executive coaching framework, and folds in education, tools, and examples that resonate with ADHD clients.

Workshops and programs centered on ADHD are available for groups, and seasonally offered in open enrollment sessions.

CLICK the speech bubble icons above to schedule a Complimentary Consultation for ADHD Coaching.

What makes MPG unique?

Check out a few reasons why MPG is unique. See how this boutique leadership development firm focused on neurodiversity and leaders with ADHD can help your organization thrive.


Developing leaders has been a constant over the last fifteen years. Starting in corporate education, and shifting to leadership development, the founder of MPG, Julia Mullins, has years of experience working with leaders and executives, developing leadership development programming, and coaching leaders at Fortune 100 companies, start-ups, and everything in between.


Julia Mullins sought out specialized training in ADHD and neurodivergent coaching based on personal lived experiences. After seeing how her own ADHD diagnosis in grade school continued to impact her throughout her career, she learned to better advocate for herself, and seek out work environments where she can thrive. This shapes how the firm understands and supports clients both with and without a diagnosis.


MPG chooses to engage with a limited number of clients at one time, so as to provide the best experience. From flexibility with scheduling, to customization with team offerings, the firm can fit your needs. We have an extensive network of qualified coaches and facilitators to help with larger client engagements. Let’s chat!

More about MPG

Julia Mullins founded MPG, and built a network of professionals with whom to partner on larger client engagements. Beyond executive coaching, and creating custom workshops or keynote presentations, the MPG network can meet your broader inclusive leadership needs.

Hear from MPG Clients

Hear how business leaders across industries successfully partnered with MPG.

Helped to See the Bigger Picture

Coaching Client, Engineering Leader

"The coaching sessions were really helpful in letting me verbally talk through some of the issues I had been internalizing. Talking about them help minimize any anxiety or hesitance and helped me see the problems as a bigger picture."

Became a Better Leader

Coaching Client, Marketing Leader

"I left the Coaching experience more confident in my ability to support my team. I understand that my team will be supported the greatest when I guide them to accomplish "their goals". I am aware that I do not have all the answers, but I don't need to. I am grateful to Julia for her support, for her compassion for others and I am very glad I was a part of the program."

Embraced Self-Discovery

Coaching Client, Business Analysis Leader

"I can't thank Julia enough. This has had a huge positive impact on me and it's greatly appreciated. I came into this coaching thinking that I really needed to focus on one thing but she helped me discover that was not what was holding me back. Coaching has impacted my outlook and how I act each day."

Built Confidence

Coaching Client, Talent Development Leader

"This coaching engagement over the past 3 months helped to set my frame of mind up positively on the impact I would like to make and focused me on specific actions I can take to get there. It took a hard look at my own confidence in what I believed to be true (that negative slant of internal self-talk) vs. the reality of what I uniquely bring to the work I do."

Engaged Neurodiversity ERG

facilitated session, technology client

"Thank you thank you! That (Neurodiversity Employee Resource Group workshop) was so fun and educational, I loved the interactivity and the fact that you started some great conversations for us. What an awesome note to send folks into the weekend on.

One more thank-you!"

Opened New Doors

Coaching Client, Retail Leader

"I’m no longer carrying the weight of all the self defense mechanisms. I am comfortable with the changes I’ve made to better myself and feel all of the changes are sustainable. I’m a better, more confident me.

Our work together has opened a door I never expected. Julia, you have a gift."

MPG Blog: Our Insights

A collection of articles written by the MPG team on leadership, neurodiversity, and the intersection of these topics.