MPG to Present at 2022 Annual International Conference on ADHD

When was the last time you decided to do something new or something that scared you? We don’t mean dangerous and reckless. But when have you stepped out of your comfort zone as you were growing professionally? MPG founder, Julia Mullins, loves speaking to groups. For the last two years, she’s only presented virtually on leadership development and ADHD coaching. She looks forward to getting back in person. When the Annual International Conference on ADHD announced their call for papers, we figured that was for published authors and PhDs. We would love to add those titles to the bio one day, though we can’t claim either right now.

Julia noodled on the application for a few days, and decided “what’s the worst that can happen?” She finally decided to submit an idea.

See You in Texas!

About six weeks later, while attending a workshop on ADHD (go figure!) Julia got an email saying the abstract on our inclusive career advancement program (Lead with ADHD) was accepted.

The presentation will be able to showcase how years of corporate leadership development shaped this ADHD-focused program. We’ll discuss how MPG leverages psychometric assessments including Hogan and VIA Character Strengths, and prepare participants to turn these insights into action.

Learn More

Join us in Dallas, TX to learn more about Lead with ADHD in person, or reach out to discuss hosting a Lead with ADHD cohort at your organization. These work great with Employee Resource Groups, or other targeted teams seeking ADHD-friendly leadership development.