Attention Perfectionists

Let’s talk about finding the good (but not in that toxic positivity way…I PROMISE)

Do you ever think back on the day, week, or month, and focus on what went wrong? Iโ€™m looking at you, perfectionists, people-pleasers, goal-getters.

Focused on the Bad

If we fall short of a goal, ADHD brains focus on the failure instead of celebrating the accomplishment. Some folks have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), which builds up even the possibility of rejection or failure to be debilitating.

As we hit the halfway mark of 2022, I had some of those negative thoughts. I haven’t accomplished everything I set out to do.

But I realized this wasn’t serving me. It wasn’t motivating me to go achieve my goals, so I scrolled through my phone to remember where the last month had gone. Here’s a few highlights from June 2022.

Finding the Good

  • ๐Ÿฐ Celebrated birthdays
  • ๐Ÿน Enjoyed great food and mocktails with family
  • ๐ŸŒบ Watched my garden bloom
  • ๐ŸŒณ Planted a tree in our yard
  • ๐Ÿธ Enjoyed nature walks
  • ๐Ÿช Ate the best cookies
  • ๐ŸŽก Took my kiddo to a carnival
  • ๐Ÿ“š Volunteered A LOT (see my ADHD & Activism posts)
  • ๐ŸŒ… Caught some lovely sunsets with my family

Weโ€™re Only Human

I share these reflections to help others feel less alone as they navigate leadership and life with ADHD. MPG prides itself on supporting and amplifying diverse perspectives and helping all leaders thrive, even if it requires a smidge of self-deprecating humor as we share our stories.

Looking for individual or team support?ย Mullins Professional Groupย loves working with people and organizations on coaching, workshops, and programming that fits your needs.ย Reach out, and we can help you build something great!

And, whatever you do, I hope you continue to look for the GOOD.