My Reason (or Excuse) for Buying So Many Books

Do you have an urge to buy everything related to a current interest? If you have a current special interest, hobby (or hyperfixation), you’ve probably gone down this rabbit hole too. Maybe this is a new craft, videogame, sport, or topic of study. For me, this is books. I love buying books.

  • I love supporting authors
  • I love reading any book related to helping people thrive at work.
  • I appreciate book recommendations from trusted industry colleagues.
  • I also know I won’t remember if I don’t “add to cart” as soon as I see/hear about it.

Object Permanence

As babies, one of our milestones is recognizing object permanence. When Mama hides behind a blanket, baby thinks she’s actually gone! But, the wise toddler knows Mama is just hiding and she will come back. This concept applies to more than just playing peek-a-boo. Think about food forgotten about in the back of the fridge, or things boxed up from your last move that still haven’t been unpacked and sorted. It’s easy to forget when we don’t see them.

Object Permanence and ADHD

This shows up with ADHDers when we take the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” way too seriously. A few weeks ago, I shared buying the same glass pitcher because I forgot I bought one on a previous shopping trip. If I didn’t see the pitcher in front of me, how could I know I still had it?

This is also why we can go for long gaps between checking in on friends and family – not because we don’t care, but we are focused on the here and now (whatever is in front of us).

Another reflection shared on the blog talks about object permanence when it comes to keeping plants alive.

We’re Only Human

I share these reflections to help others feel less alone as they navigate leadership and life with ADHD. MPG prides itself on supporting and amplifying diverse perspectives and helping all leaders thrive, even if it requires a smidge of self-deprecating humor as we share our stories.

Looking for individual or team support? Mullins Professional Group loves working with people and organizations on coaching, workshops, and programming that fit your needs. Reach out, and we can help you build something great!