If you mindlessly scroll Instagram, you may have recently landed on a trending audio of Porsha Williams from Real Housewives of Atlanta saying “The biggest takeaway from this experience? I’m going to do it again!”

I have never seen the show and don’t even know the context of this clip, but relate to it so deeply when I think about how long I’ve used procrastination as a tool.

ADHD and Procrastination

Anyone can procrastinate but ADHDers take it to new levels. If the task isn’t interesting, it’s a LOT harder to prioritize.

When I was in grade school, I was queen of last minute projects. I remember working all night on something in elementary school, and thinking “wow, I’ve never seen the clock say 3:00 when it’s dark outside.” I remember feeling tired and thinking it might not have been a good idea, but I cranked out something cool and got a great grade on it! That was positive reinforcement that saving things for the day before they are due results in great grades, and I should keep doing it. Oof, that was not the message my parents or teachers wanted me to receive.

Moving Past Procrastination

In my career, it has taken hard work to shift that, and I’m grateful I’ve been able to help others change their habits too.

Here are some ways to kick procrastinating to the curb:

🗓 set check-ins or mini-deadlines

If 100% done and delivered is the only deadline in your head, you will absolutely find no reason to get it done sooner. What if you needed an outline by Tuesday, and a draft to share with a peer by Friday?

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 find an accountability buddy

Not to nag or babysit you, but help each other get unstuck.

⏰ make a plan to do it at a specific time

Maybe you don’t want to do it now, but what if you tried putting 30 minutes towards it tomorrow at 1:00 (or whatever time works for you!) ADHDers sometimes struggle with scheduling things in the future, so set small manageable goals.

Once you break the procrastination cycle, you’ll be so grateful for your newfound time management and actually produce even better work!

How do YOU get out of the procrastination cycle?! Mullins Professional Group loves helping you think through how coaching can help you get to to the root of WHY you procrastinate. Reach out and we can chat!