Can color-coding help you be successful? Maybe! Everyone’s brains work differently, and many neurodivergent brains are drawn to details such as color. This can serve as a differentiator, help with labeling, trigger memories of conversations, and so much more.

Ways color-coding may help you:

Color code your calendar

Either to differentiate different projects, clients, or types of work, or simply to highlight something in particular like your professional development. Even if 5% of your time is marked for development, it can be hard to find those two hours if you aren’t being intentional. If you are billing hours, this helps to provide a visual of how much of your day is billable, versus the other tasks.

Color code action items

If something needs follow-up or particular action taken, marking that in your notes may help. Alternatively, using a standard color paper for regular notetaking, and a bright post-it for action items will draw your attention too!

Color code special meetings or events

Use pen color to differentiate special events. Going to a conference? Take notes in a different color so everything from those days is woven together with purple pen (or whatever makes you happy!) This can be a big help if the conference is at a unique destination. The pen color may carry you back to that city.

Color code different types of work

An attorney would frequently need to appear in court with a series of files for each client he represented. To keep himself organized, he designated different colored folders for the various printed materials. All financial docs were in a green folder, interpersonal documents were in a red folder, real estate was in a blue folder, and so on. This system allowed him to easily get organized for each court appearance, and it made it easier for his office staff to support him in the preparation.

Most importantly

The most important thing about color-coding for success, is doing what works for YOU. If emulating a process described here creates more burden, without the ROI, ditch it. Tips and tricks are only helpful if they unlock something inside of you that was just waiting to articulate such an idea.

Tools for color-coding for success:

Some of MPGs favorite tools are available on Amazon and linked below. The following are affiliate links.

Looking to Partner?

Are you looking for ways to create a more inclusive or neurodivergent-friendly office culture? Whether growing your Neurodiversity ERG, interested in building inclusive leaders on your team, or ready to tackle company-wide leadership & inclusion initiatives, Mullins Professional Group loves working with clients to create powerful experiences for all. Reach out and let us know what is on your mind. Let’s build something great!