Our office has a wall full of professional development books from the biggest names in the field, and we’re going to reference …another… type of book today. MPG founder Julia Mullins has a toddler, so Sesame Street books are just as readily available as leadership development books. Today, let’s go back to basics and see what life lessons from friendly monsters we can glean today.

Here is some advice from “Love the Fur You’re In: Monster Wit & Wisdom from Sesame Street” – I hope these resonate with you!

Slow down before you fall down.

Burnout is REAL! Whether it’s ADHD burnout, neurodivergent burnout, or job/career burnout – listen to your body and slow down. In the moment, it may seem like leaders will appreciate you endlessly for “burning the midnight oil” or “going the extra mile” but too often, instead of remembering the sacrifices made, people remember some of our worst qualities that emerge during those high-pressure moments.

Nobody will tell you to protect your time off or help you manage your schedule as well as you can advocate for yourself. Prioritize what is important to you and protect that! You will be better positioned in the long-run.

Life isn’t always a straight line.

Your career may have some twists and turns. Learn as you go, and make the best of it. Some neurodivergent folks have trouble embracing change and transition. If you can expect the pivots along the way, it may help accept them.

Many times in a career, lateral moves are necessary. See this as a valuable step, and don’t worry so much about “climbing the corporate ladder.” Progress looks different for everyone, and with growth mindset and the curiosity to learn more, you will go far in any role and industry.

Done is better than perfect.

Perfectionism can be the enemy of progress. Too many ADHDers are perfectionists (or recovering perfectionists!) so continue to think about the big picture. If toiling away on particular details won’t serve you in the long run, then it’s time to wrap it up, put a bow on it, and call it completed.

This is a way of reminding you that back to basics is always refreshing, especially when our ADHD brains have us running in too many directions.

Mullins Professional Group loves helping individuals and teams reset their focus when it comes to leadership development, and neuro-inclusive leadership. Reach out to let us know what is on your mind, and we can help you build something great!