ADHD and Mundane Tasks

What’s the relationship between ADHD and mundane tasks? Well, it’s not a good one. ADHDers have interest-driven brains. Unsurprisingly, interest-driven brains don’t want to do boring tasks. This doesn’t mean ADHDers are broken. These people simply know what they like, and mundane tasks might not be top of their list. Read more…

blog post by MPG

MPG and Hogan Assessments

Why do MPG and Hogan Assessments fit together so well? Personality assessments, when properly debriefed by qualified interpreters, are incredible talent development tools. Uncovering blindspots, highlighting strengths, and understanding motivators are helpful in owning your leadership journey. MPG started using Hogan Assessments because it was so well-regarded in the corporate Read more…

Neurodiversity Neurodivergent-friendly

Diversity at Work

A perfect world would be inclusive of neurodiversity of work. It would be inclusive of ALL diversity at work! When companies’ actions don’t align with words…it’s not a good feeling. In recent weeks, we’ve seen a number of posts on LinkedIn alluding to companies claiming to be inclusive, and employees Read more…

Cognitive Hyperactivity

Many ADHDers tell us “I didn’t know I had ADHD because I wasn’t hyper!” Just because you can stay seated during class doesn’t mean your mind isn’t racing. Cognitive hyperactivity is exactly as it sounds. Your brain is hyperactive: Cognitive Hyperactivity in Action Names like “space cadet” or being called Read more…

Coaching Clarity

MPG loves working with clients over a span of a few months to really help them grow professionally. The best results come when clarity on coaching is established early in the engagement. When clients are brand new to coaching, we talk through what coaching looks like. It’s different than consulting, Read more…

Advocating in the Workplace

Striving for Inclusive Workplaces I strongly believe that advocating in the workplace can lead to truly inclusive organizations. Teams that are accepting, encouraging, and accommodating of everyone – including neurodivergent employees. This can be tricky to advocate for on your own. But if you’re comfortable sharing a bit more about Read more…

Inclusion Hack

Neurodivergent-Friendly Meetings Inclusion doesn’t always look like drastic measures. Something as simple as leveraging existing tools found in Microsoft Outlook can help with HOW you schedule meetings. Keep reading how this inclusion hack benefits everyone, especially neurodivergent individuals. Respecting start- and end-times of meetings is appreciated by everyone, and neurodivergent Read more…